Hello, my name

Daksh Dadhania

Programmer, Web Developer, Front End Developer, Apps Designer, Apps Developer


About Me

Programmer & Web Developer

Passionate Web Developer and Cybersecurity Enthusiast. I am skilled in HTML, CSS, Javascript, C++ and Python and have experience working with tools like React, Node, Express, and SQL/MongoDB. I also have a grasp of cloud technologies like AWS. Admirable in Competitive programming with 4* rating of 1950 on Codechef.

Web Dev Head at ACM Manipal..

Part of Cryptonite Student Project. National Rank-4.

Name: Daksh Dadhania
Birthday: 9 January 2003
Degree: BTech Information Technology
Experience: 3 Years
University: Manipal Institute of Technology
Email: dakshdadhania@gmail.com
Languages: Hindi, English, Gujarati
College 2nd Year
Linkedin Github


My Skills

React/TailWind CSS
Unix Commands


Education & Experience

My Education and Experience


Anandalaya School | 2017-2021

AISSCE (Class X) - 94%
AISSCE (Class XII) -96%

BTech in Information Technology

Manipal Institute of Technology | 2021-2025

Pursuing Engg from MIT,Manipal


COURSERA AND UDEMY | 2019-present

A bunch of Courses-
On Python, Web Development- MERN Stack, Web3 , Blockchain Development , Data Structures and Algorithms, Cybersecurity

Web-Dev Head

ACM Manipal | 2022-present

Web Development Head at ACM (Association for Computing Machinery, World's Largest Computing Society) Student Branch of Manipal

Student Project

Cryptonite | 2021-present

Part of the Cryptonite( Cybersecurity, National Rank 4 on CTFTime) Student Project Team working on Web Exploitation.

My Projects

Scavenger Hunt

Cryptic CTF| Oct 2022

Made the Scavenger Hunt Cryptic CTF under the "CACHED" category in TechTatva'22 (MIT Manipal's National Level Technical Fest) ...
Role- Project Leader, worked on both frontend and deployment of the website. Link


Website | March 2022

Part of the MIT Manipal's official Revels'23 (MIT Manipal's National level Annual Cultural Festival) Website.
Role- System Admin and Web Developer

Stock Markup

Stock Market Analysis and Instant Graphs | June 2021

Made a instant Stock market analysis and graph plotting program on python used matplotlib, pandas and beautifulsoup Libraries.
Source Code

The NayBot

The Discord bot | Jan 2021

I created a Discord Bot using discord.py API for python, this bot includes various functions for doing Moderation and fun commands which can be used for Entertainment. The bot can also play custom music asked by a user in a voice channel.
Source Code


My Work


Worked on many web designs and Thumbnails for blog posts and publicity on Figma also took Design/Web Dev Sessions for juniors.


I have been into python development for a long while. Worked with a api nsetools for the Stock Markup project.

Source Code

Web Development

Worked on the ACM Manipal Official Website as Web Dev Head . MERN stack- Mongo, Express, React, Node, Tailwind CSS.



Learned Unix commands and cybersecurity tools for Capture the Flag competitions. Web Exploitation Domain- SQL Injection, XSS, RCE, OSINT

Discord Bot

Discord bot for moderation and fun commands which can be used for Entertainment. The bot can also play custom music asked by a user in a voice channel.

Source Code

Competitive Prgming

Admiral at Data Structures and Algorithms. Codechef- dax0901



My Portfolio

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  • Design Sessions
  • Development
  • Projects


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